There are five hills we believe are important to our purpose.
The Bible clearly states our purpose is to Glorify God and Pursue People (Psalm 96 and many other places). The New Testament also expresses some fundamental values a disciple of Christ should embody as he/she Glorifies God and Pursues People.

Pray over every member, every ministry, every nation and our city at every hour of every day.
(Acts 4.23-31; 9.40; 16.25; 20.34)

Own the responsibility of discipleship for the 976 weeks of a child’s life.
(Acts 16.13-15)

Radiate hospitality, resulting in the church being known as the community's home.
(Acts 4.31-37)

Transform communities through Kingdom business development, job creation and educational resourcing.
(Acts 18.1-3)
(Acts 18.1-3)

Facilitate the planting of 500 churches.
(Acts 1.8; 4.8-22)